Why make your employees aware of cybersecurity?

Cybersecurity is an increasingly important issue that all businesses, large and small, need to take seriously. In the age of digital transformation, it is essential for businesses to protect their information and data against cyberattacks and cybercriminals. In this context, employee awareness of cybersecurity is essential to guarantee the security of a company’s IT systems and data.

80% of fraud attempts are foiled by human action (Euler Hermes) 

Presentation of the subject and the importance of cybersecurity awareness for SMEs.

The importance of cybersecurity has grown significantly over the past few years as companies increasingly rely on digital technologies for their operations. As such, the security of a company’s computer systems and data is of the utmost importance. Businesses must take steps to protect their systems from cyberattacks and cybercriminals.

For small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in particular, cyberattacks can have serious consequences. SMBs often lack the resources to adequately protect their systems and data, which makes them more vulnerable to cyberattacks. It is therefore essential for SMEs to educate their employees about cybersecurity, in order to guarantee the security of their IT systems and data.

Why educate employees?

Employee Cybersecurity Awareness is Key Cyberattacks and cybercriminals pose a real threat to any business, and having employees aware of the risks and consequences can help protect the business against these threats.

Fraud on the CPF training account is estimated at 16 million euros. 

Risks related to computer attacks and cybercriminals

The risks associated with computer attacks and cybercriminals are real and present. Cyberattacks can lead to data loss, information theft, and disruption to business operations. Cybercriminals can also target businesses to steal money, access sensitive information, or even disrupt operations. Additionally, cyberattacks can have a detrimental effect on a company’s reputation, as customers may be reluctant to trust a company that has been the victim of a cyberattack.

The consequences for the company

The consequences of a cyber-attack or cybercriminal activity can be serious for any business. These consequences can include loss of data, damage to reputation and financial loss. Additionally, cyber attacks can lead to disruption of business operations, which can have a significant impact on business results.

Common human errors and their consequences

In addition to the risks posed by cyber attacks and cybercriminals, businesses should also be aware of the risks posed by human error. Human errors, such as using weak passwords or clicking on malicious links, can lead to the same consequences as cyberattacks, including data loss, reputational damage, and financial loss.

How to educate employees?

Once a company has accepted the risks from cyberattacks and cybercriminals, as well as the risks posed by human error, it is important to take steps to educate employees about these risks.

Best practices to implement to raise employee awareness

There are a number of best practices companies can implement to educate their employees about cybersecurity. These include cybersecurity training sessions, awareness campaigns to inform employees about the risks, and regular reminders about the importance of cybersecurity.

Additionally, companies should ensure that their IT systems are up-to-date and secure, and that employees use strong passwords. Finally, companies should ensure that their employees are aware of the risks posed by phishing emails and other malicious links.

Mistakes to Avoid When Educating Employees

When educating employees about cybersecurity, it is important to avoid certain mistakes. For example, it is important to ensure that the language used is clear and easy to understand, and that the message is consistent throughout the company. It’s also important to avoid providing too much information, as it can be overwhelming for employees.

The importance of the example set by managers and line managers

Finally, it is important to remember that managers and line managers are responsible for setting a good example in terms of cybersecurity. Managers should ensure that their own passwords are strong, that they don’t click on suspicious links, and that they are aware of the risks of sharing sensitive information.

Benefits for the company

Raising employee awareness of cybersecurity can have a number of business benefits. First, it can lead to improved corporate IT security, as employees will be better informed about the risks and how to protect themselves from them.

In addition, employee awareness helps reduce the risk of cyber attacks and human error, as employees will be more aware of the risks and the consequences of those risks. Finally, employee awareness can lead to a better understanding by all employees of the importance of cybersecurity in the workplace.

In conclusion, it is clear that employee awareness of cybersecurity is essential for any business. Cyberattacks and cybercriminals pose a real threat to businesses, and having employees aware of the risks and consequences can help protect the business.

Get help from an Outsourced DSI

Finally, if you are an SME in Savoie, consider outsourcing your cybersecurity needs to an outsourced CIO in Savoie. Thus, your company and your employees will have access to the latest technologies and expertise in cybersecurity in order to protect your company from cyberattacks and cybercriminals.


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